VOBOC’s Impact

VOBOC delivers Vo-Pak backpacks to the hospital oncology units for them to give to their new AYA cancer patients on their first day of treatment.
Each Vo-Pak contains practical items for a hospital stay as well as tools and resources to help patients in navigating the health care system and in accessing supportive services.
At the request of the medical teams, VOBOC considers and grants Last and Special Requests to patients in crisis, transitioning to palliative care or in palliative care.
VOBOC supports and leads initiatives that raise awareness and public sensitivity regarding needs of AYAs with cancer.
VOBOC encourages schools, local organizations and the general public to participate in activities or fundraising that impacts the lives of AYAs.
If you have questions on becoming a supporter, please call us at 514-695-9292 or send us an email at info@VOBOC.org